import numpy as np import math import sympy as sp from scipy.integrate import quad import tkinter as tk from tkinter import filedialog root = tk.Tk() root.withdraw() file_path = filedialog.askopenfilename() msmt= np.genfromtxt(file_path, dtype = float, invalid_raise = False, usemask = False, delimiter = " ", usecols = (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10), skip_header = 3, missing_values = 0.0) F1_64 = 1/64 F63_64 = 63/64 F63_16 = 63/16 F1_64_20 = 1/64/20 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #1st col t = msmt[:,0] len_data = len(t) #2nd col el = msmt[:,1]/1000 #3rd col et = msmt[:,2]/1000 #4th col fl = msmt[:,3]/1000 #5th col ft = msmt[:,4]/1000 #6th col sf = msmt[:,5] #7th col eu = msmt[:,6] for i in range(len_data): eu[i]=(eu[i]-eu[0])*10 #8th col t1 = msmt[:,7] #9th col t2 = msmt[:,8] #10th col t3 = msmt[:,9] #11th col t4 = msmt[:,10] d = 9.3e-3 pi = math.pi a0=pi / 4 * d**2 ed=np.zeros(len_data) fd=np.zeros(len_data) es=np.zeros(len_data) fs=np.zeros(len_data) for i in range(len_data): ed[i] = (el[i] - et[i]) * 2 / 3 fd[i] = (fl[i] - ft[i]) * 2 / 3 es[i] = (el[i] + 2 * et[i]) / 3 fs[i] = (fl[i] + 2 * ft[i]) / 3 #color vector to plot dots (prepared for cycles) colors_dot = ['b.', 'g.','r.','c.','m.','y.','k.'] #color vector to plot big dots (prepared for cycles) colors_o = ['bo', 'go','ro','co','mo','yo','ko'] #color vector to plot lines (prepared for cycles) colors_line = ['b', 'g','r','c','m','y','k'] import matplotlib as mpl mpl.rc('font',family='Palatino Linotype') start = 29 end = 3097 o = range(len_data) # figure 0 begin oo = o[start:end] ar_p = .005*sf[start-1:end-1] al_p = el[start-1:end-1] at_p = et[start-1:end-1] #ap_p = -(et[start-1:end-1]-et[start-1]) / (el[start-1:end-1]-el[start-1]) #ad_p = ed[start-1:end-1] #as_p = es[start-1:end-1] plt.figure(0, figsize=(10,5)) plt.plot(oo,ar_p,colors_line[6],label='ar') plt.plot(oo,al_p,colors_line[2],label='al') plt.plot(oo,at_p,colors_line[1],label='at') plt.title('', fontsize = 15) plt.ylabel('') plt.xlabel('Measurement point number') plt.axis([start, end, -30, 50]) plt.xticks(size = 10, rotation = 30) plt.yticks(size = 10) plt.grid(True) plt.legend(loc=1) plt.savefig("keplekenyedeshez.jpg", dpi=300) # figure 0 end #gömbi illesztés ee=np.zeros(len_data) ss=np.zeros(len_data) for i in range(len_data): ee[i] = es[i] ss[i] = 1e-6/a0 * 1 / 3 * sf[i] / (1 + (et[i] - et[0]) / 1000)**2 u = sp.Symbol('u') u2 = u*u u3 = u2*u u4 = u3*u u5 = u4*u u6 = u5*u u7 = u6*u u8 = u7*u u9 = u8*u u10 = u9*u P0 = F1_64 * (63*u - 42*u3 + 18*u7 - 7*u9) P1 = F1_64_20 * (1260*u + 630*u2 - 840*u3 - 630*u4 + 360*u7 + 315*u8 - 140*u9 - 126*u10) DP0 = F63_64 * (-2*u2 + 2*u6 - u8) DP1 = F1_64 * (-126*u2 - 84*u3 + 126*u6 + 108*u7 - 63*u8 - 56*u9) D2P0 = - F63_16 * u * (2*u2 + 1) * (u2 - 1)**2 D2P1 = F63_64 * (-4*u - 2*u2 + 12*u5 + 10*u6 - 8*u7 - 7*u8) #procedure #input parameters jint_start = 29 jint_end = 58 J = [1,2,3,4,5] #[tau_sph, E0_sph, E1_sph, E2_sph, delta_sph] DNi = 2 #global parameters PP = np.zeros(5) QQ = np.zeros(5) sj = np.zeros(len_data) ej = np.zeros(len_data) #local parameters j_num = jint_end - jint_start jmin = jint_start - 5 jmax = jmin + j_num oo = range(len_data)[jmin:jmax+1] kappa = 1 / 3 # global: Ip, PP,QQ sj, ej, P0, DP0 D2P0, P1, DP1, D2P1, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5 # local: jmin, jmax, oo, shift, Ni, Np, intl, i, j1, j2, t1, t2, Dt, FDt_2, F2_Dt, F2_Dt2, n, ta, # tb, ua, ub, dP0, dDP0, dD2P0, dP1, dDP1, dD2P1, fa, fb, c1, c00, s0, s1, s2, s3, s4, L, # j, k iA, P, S, l, s, sss, eee, st, b0, b2, b2, b3, kappa #progress sj[jmin] = ss[jmin] ej[jmin] = ee[jmin] ej[jmin] = ee[jmin] sss = 0 eee = 0 L = 0 if J[L]==1: L=L+1 if J[L]==2: L=L+1 if J[L]==3: L=L+1 if J[L]==4: L=L+1 if J[L]==5: L=L+1 Ni = L + DNi shift = math.trunc((j_num+1)/Ni) Np = (jmax-jmin) - (Ni-1) * shift intl = np.zeros((Ni,2)) for i in range(Ni): intl[i] = [jmin + i*shift, jmin + i*shift + Np] Ip = np.zeros((6,Ni)) for i in range(Ni): j1 = intl[i,0] j2 = intl[i,1] t1 = t[math.trunc(j1)] t2 = t[math.trunc(j2)] Dt = t2 - t1 FDt_2 = Dt/2 F2_Dt = 2/Dt F2_Dt2 = F2_Dt**2 s0 = 0 s1 = 0 s2 = 0 s3 = 0 s4 = 0 for k in range(math.trunc(j1),math.trunc(j2)): ta = t[k] tb = t[k + 1] ua = -1 + F2_Dt*(ta - t1) ub = -1 + F2_Dt*(tb - t1) P0_ub = P0.subs(u,ub).doit() P0_ua = P0.subs(u,ua).doit() dP0 = P0_ub - P0_ua DP0_ub = DP0.subs(u,ub).doit() DP0_ua = DP0.subs(u,ua).doit() dDP0 = -F2_Dt*(DP0_ub - DP0_ua) D2P0_ub = D2P0.subs(u,ub).doit() D2P0_ua = D2P0.subs(u,ua).doit() dD2P0 = F2_Dt2*(D2P0_ub - D2P0_ua) P1_ub = P1.subs(u,ub).doit() P1_ua = P1.subs(u,ua).doit() dP1 = FDt_2*(P1_ub - P1_ua) DP1_ub = DP1.subs(u,ub).doit() DP1_ua = DP1.subs(u,ua).doit() dDP1 = -(DP1_ub - DP1_ua) D2P1_ub = D2P1.subs(u,ub).doit() D2P1_ua = D2P1.subs(u,ua).doit() dD2P1 = F2_Dt*(D2P1_ub - D2P1_ua) fa = ss[k] fb = ss[k+1] c1 = (fb - fa) / (tb - ta) c00 = c1 * t1 + (tb * fa - ta * fb) / (tb - ta) s0 = s0 + c00 * dP0 + c1 * dP1 s1 = s1 - c00 * dDP0 - c1 * dDP1 fa = ee[k] fb = ee[k+1] c1 = (fb - fa) / (tb - ta) c00 = c1 * t1 + (tb * fa - ta * fb) / (tb - ta) s2 = s2 + c00 * dP0 + c1 * dP1 s3 = s3 + c00 * dDP0 + c1 * dDP1 s4 = s4 + c00 * dD2P0 + c1 * dD2P1 Ip[0,i] = s0 Ip[1,i] = s1 Ip[2,i] = s2 Ip[3,i] = s3 Ip[4,i] = s4 Ip[5,i] = 1 A = np.zeros((L,L)) B = np.zeros(L) for k in range(L): for j in range(L): for jj in range(Ni): A[k,j] += Ip[J[k],jj] * Ip[J[j],jj] for jj in range(Ni): B[k] += Ip[0,jj] * Ip[J[k],jj] print(A) print(B) iA = np.linalg.inv(A) P = iA @ B S = 0 for i in range(Ni): add_aux = 0 for k in range(L): add_aux += Ip[J[k],i] * P[k] S += (Ip[0,i] - add_aux)**2 s = math.sqrt(S / Ni) PP = np.zeros(5) QQ = np.zeros(5) for k in range(L): PP[J[k]-1] = P[k] QQ[J[k]-1] = s * np.sqrt(iA[k,k]) sj[jmin] = ss[jmin] sss = 0 print("\n") k = 0 for j in range(jmin + 1, jmax + 1): k += 1 sj[j] = (PP[1]/2*(ee[j] + ee[j-1]) + PP[2]*(ee[j] - ee[j-1])/1/(t[j] - t[j-1]) + PP[3]/2*( ( (ee[j+1] - ee[j])/(t[j+1] - t[j]) - (ee[j] - ee[j-1])/(t[j] - t[j-1]) )/( (t[j+1] + t[j])/2 - (t[j] + t[j-1])/2 ) + ( (ee[j] - ee[j-1])/(t[j] - t[j-1]) - (ee[j-1] - ee[j-2])/(t[j-1] - t[j-2]) )/( (t[j] + t[j-1])/2 - (t[j-1] + t[j-2])/2 ) ) + PP[4] + ( PP[0]/(t[j] - t[j-1]) - 1/2)*sj[j-1] ) / ( 1/2 + PP[0]/(t[j] - t[j-1]) ) sss = sss + math.fabs(sj[j] - ss[j]) print(str(t[j]) + " " + str(ee[j]) + " " + str(ss[j]) + " " + str(sj[j])) sss = sss / ((jmax - 1) - (jmin + 1) + 1) ej[jmin] = ee[jmin] ej[jmin + 1] = ee[jmin + 1] eee = 0 kappa = 1/3 for j in range(jmin + 2, jmax + 1): ej[j] = ( ( 2*PP[3]/(t[j] - t[j-2]) * ( 1/(t[j] - t[j-1]) + 1/(t[j-1] - t[j-2]) ) - PP[1]*kappa ) * ej[j - 1] + ( PP[2]/(t[j] - t[j-2]) - PP[3]*2/(t[j-1] - t[j-2])/(t[j] - t[j-2]) - PP[1]*(1 - kappa)/2 ) * ej[j-2] + kappa*ss[j-1] + (1 - kappa)/2 * ( ss[j] + ss[j-2] ) + 1/(t[j] - t[j-2]) * ( PP[0] * (ss[j] - ss[j-2]) ) - PP[4] ) / ( PP[1]*(1 - kappa)/2 + PP[2]/(t[j] - t[j-2]) + PP[3]*2/(t[j-1] - t[j-2])/(t[j] - t[j-2]) ) print("\n T U V W X hiba") print("Jóslat: " + str(round(PP[0],6)) + " " + str(round(PP[1],6)) + " " + str(round(PP[2],6)) + " " + str(round(PP[3],6)) + " " + str(round(PP[4],6))) print("Absz. hibaja: " + str(round(QQ[0],6)) + " " + str(round(QQ[1],6)) + " " + str(round(QQ[2],6)) + " " + str(round(QQ[3],6)) + " " + str(round(QQ[4],6)) + " " + str(round(sss,6))) # figure 2 begin plt.figure(2, figsize=(10,5)) plt.plot(oo,ss[jmin:jmax + 1],colors_dot[3],label='ss') plt.plot(range(jmin,jmax+1),sj[jmin:jmax+1],colors_line[3],label='sj') plt.plot(oo,2.8 * ee[jmin:jmax+1],colors_o[4],label='ee') plt.plot(range(jmin,jmax+1),2.8 * ej[jmin:jmax+1],colors_line[4],label='ss') plt.title('', fontsize = 15) plt.ylabel('') plt.xlabel('Measurement point number') my_xticks = range(jmin, jmax + 1) my_xticks_label = ["" for x in range(j_num + 1)] for i in range(j_num + 1): my_xticks_label[i] = str(my_xticks[i] + 5) plt.axis([jmin + 1, jmax - 1, 0, 7]) plt.xticks(my_xticks, my_xticks_label, size = 10, rotation = 30) plt.yticks(size = 10) plt.grid(True) plt.legend(loc=0) plt.savefig("joslat.jpg", dpi=300) #plt.savefig("diagram_1_01.jpg", dpi=300) # figure 2 end